Monday, 24 November 2008

Waltzes, circles and crossroads

C and I went to the flicks last night to see an extraordinary film - Waltz with Bashir. A full length animated film by Ari Folman, it tells the story of an ex-soldier in the Israeli/Lebanese war in 1980 and his search to find truth in his dreams/nightmares and hallucinations. Without doubt the most elegant and beautiful animation I have ever seen, this film is part documentary, part storytelling and has an incredible drive and pace. It is truly harrowing, but with elements of warmth and reaffirming humanity. Again, one of those films I don't need to see again for a long time (and...note to self...not unless you are really in the mood for such a heavy visual and emotional impact). 9/10 - go see.

On to other bobbins. This is truly a time of reflection and throwing your life out in front of you to evaluate what is going on, who you are, what you are, why you are and how that effects those around you. Alcoholics talk about reaching moments of clarity after going through fear, guilt, joy, self realisation - I can empathise (though don't drink enough red wine to see it through their particular eyes though thankfully). It has been and still is a roller coaster (and not a rubbish one like The Corkscrew...we're talking Oblivion territory here). I have been going through emotions not experienced for many years and it has knocked me for six to be perfectly honest. It is too easy to become entangled in what a fast paced society deems to be important and relevant, and is cathartic to take a big step back (I am as guilty as the next man for not doing this more often). The whole 'grass is always greener' attitude is good, as is to take what life throws at you and also recognise that things could be so much worse. We will all be continually tested in our lives and the challenge makes us stronger, even if we get the grey hairs or wrinkles to prove it. I see the positives in the negatives (no, really) and know what I must do for those most dear to me and myself. 

Phew...and finally, I am saddened and properly sick of the celebration of celebrity in this country. Applaud achievement and champion pioneers, but don't let children aspire to the irresponsible, self obsessed and obnoxious private lives of such people. Being famous shouldn't an aspiration, it should be the recognition of talent, hard work and being an inspiration to others. As such I have stopped reading the free morning and evening rags and am concentrating purely on my books and tunes. Right...spleen vented...onward to the round-up...

Home - Took the train home to spend some much needed time with my family and friends. The usual script of walking int'Dales and doing the rounds. Spent some long overdue quality time with my best mucker Matt and for much of the night were the only punters in the excellent Tap and Spile. I miss such pubs living down here...and the beer for that matter. Also spend some great time with the rest of Le Famile Dragondrop - lovely to see them and chew the fat (salmon and curry - both great)! Went to the dentist - no probs, though I did get told off for drinking too much red wine and coffee.

Fodder - As a 'just because' surprise took C to Mini Mundus for a french feast. Snails and steak, great wine and all in the company and conversation of my lovely lady.

More fodder - Lennie our printer took me out for a mid-day Ruby. Great food and company, but my thoughts was elsewhere.

Heather - My old muckeress H stayed over - a really nice night and long-overdue chats, putting the world to rights, ciders and tunes.

Really loving listening to Radio 6  all day long at work and zoning out - it is a good distraction and focus at the moment. I'm sure there was more trivial stuff in-between, but the important stuff has overshadowed it. 

All for now. Beep.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Let it flow

In times like these, keep fighting for what is most precious and just let it flow.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Good on you BO! Now the real work begins - there's an awful lot to do and you've inherited quite a legacy from that muppet. Good luck.

Polar magnifica

Those who frequent my Flickr site will be familiar with my Polar Coordinate photos. I've stumbled across a talented chap who has raised the bar and taken the concept to a whole new level. Check it out - quite amazing.

Monday, 3 November 2008

New waves riding...

Excitedly awaiting the US election results on Thursday(ish). This could change a lot of things in our wee planet and if the result is as 'we' all hope will be a historic day. It feels like a real time of change in the wider and closer world. I feel like I'm being tested and challenged, and pushed out of my comfort zone in some areas of my life. A good thing I'm told, though scary as well. I'm not really a creature of habit, but like us all have fallen foul of the dreaded rut sometimes. Also, the seasons are on the move - I'm not a fan of the dark mornings and evenings (not to mention the endless drizzle), but every cycle and season has it's blessings when you look for them. I love nothing more than a crisp, clear day in the open air, even if it is cold - it's great seeing your breath in the cold air and walking up a sweat in beautiful countryside, with the promise of a good pint of bitter and pub lunch halfway round (can you tell I'm looking forward to going home next weekend)?! 

A good mucker has told me about this dark time of year around Halloween and how the movement in the seasons and noodle can give people a wobble - yep, that'd be it then. Can't wait to see some of my close friends and family again too - they feel very far away at the moment and I feel the need to chew the fat and share the silences. The jobby job is as busy as ever, but am working on some stimulating things - just wish I had to 48hrs in the day I need to do them justice and experiment a bit. Been getting some global recognition on some work I've done and there's been a few photo-shoots recently (with more to come) which has been fun - even the odd glass of bubbly and canapes thrown in.

Before I round up, a huge congrats to Lewis Hamilton - this country needs a hero at the moment and he fits the cap (crash helmet) well - Good on him.

C's 30th Birthday Party - C and her best buds Darby and Lyd shared their collective 30th at Kisse Bar on Lavender Hill in Clapham. We had the whole bar to ourselves and had a fantastic night. Loads of people from all parts of their lives were there and everyone had a blast. Maria did an indie DJ slot which was cool and we all got very messy. Got to bed at wrong o'clock and spent most of the next day regrouping our marbles and finding comfort in food.

Drawing and flicking - Done a few new portrait type thingys: one of my good chum, the lovely Da Maria and one of my mentalist manager Donald. Very happy with both of them and the recipients even more so. A new set of orders has now come in, so plan to keep on a roll. Kept the steady flow of photos coming in as well - not too shabby, though feeling the need to use my D50 more. Also, haven't taken any film footage recently - Into the Light is fast becoming the most viewed and most favoured thing I have ever posted on Flickr. Taking photos at a press conference at the famed RAC club in Pall Mall early tomorrow morning. They're going to give me a bacon sarnie brekky too - result!

Underworld at Brixton Academy - A much needed night of jumping around to techno/electro/poetro and the like for Maria and I. Karl and Rick didn't disappoint - just like the old days - great show and my legs ached the next day from dancing so much. Haven't done that for a while and I needed the distraction from the usual bobbins. The gig was filmed and will be out on DVD soon too - that explains Karls sequin jacket, 'boxes/shelves/fishes' moves and inflatables! C went to Lucy's 3oth in London Bridge the same night and was still up when we got home which was cool - teas and chats until bed ways was right ways.

Burn after Reading - Excellent new offering from the brilliant Coen brothers. Quirky, dark and laugh-out-loud. Great casting and screenplay. Go see it. Bond was totally sold out (that'll be the rain then) - hopefully seeing it soon. 

Aside from that I bought a scarf, found a new chord, improved on my already superb home-made burger/meatball recipe and descaled the kettle - it's all go (?!)...hmm...