I have neglected my little blog of late, or rather haven't felt the desire to write, which is the whole point anyway. The year is flying by already and so much has happened it feels like a year has already passed. The waves are getting smaller in general, though there are more potential storms ahead - I feel much more prepared and stronger than I did say 6 weeks ago, though the calm waters are still a good way in front. Between us we will see it though and come out better people I am sure.
Been keeping myself as busy as possible without burning out (my adverse sleeping patterns since December are challenging this though - internal body clocks are a peculiar thing). Going to start with a couple of short reviews, then will log an abridged round-up over the past few weeks:
Watchmen - My weekly jaunt to the cinema this week was treated with this incredible film. I seem to be in the minority that I never read the graphic novel, but it didn't stop be being utterly absorbed and blown away. Very complex, dark, 'graphic' and haunting journey through a parallel age. Won't give too much away, but even if you aren't a comic or sci-
fi fan, you will not be disappointed by this brilliant (and very long) film. 9/10.
Torture the Artist - An great book that it took me far too long to read (kept getting distracted). In a nutshell that won't give the game away, it is the story of an academy set up to nurture young gifted artistic talent, with the ethos that only good art comes from heartbreak, loss and misery. The students have their lives subjected to persistent disappointment and pain in the hope that their work will be ground-breaking. Of course, they eventually realise what is going on...you can guess the rest. Great book. 8/10.
Tunes - Some new stuff I'm listening to which is making the hairs on the back of my neck stand-up (some more than others): Howling Bells - Radio Wars; The Bad Plus - These are the Vistas; Keith - Vice and Virtue; Prodigy - Invaders must Die; The Pains of being Pure at Heart; Bombay Bicycle Club - The Boy I used to be; Daran Hayman and the Secondary Modern - Pram Town; Airborne Toxic Event; Factory Records Communication Box-Set; Rodrigo y Gabriela - Live in Japan; The View - Which Bitch?.
Events that have passed on my mortal coil: The very sad death of my Great Uncle Charles on my birthday - rest in peace; Great weekends in Surrey, Staffordshire and Oxfordshire with good muckers; Trip home to Yorkshire for a collection of birthdays, long muddy walks and parties; Dragging my birthday celebrations out over 3 weeks (greedy I know); Making music with others again and remembering that I am actually a pretty good guitarist, just rusty and had fallen out of love with my axe!; Loving taking photos and making little films more than ever - a Spring college course is coming up to get the later on to the next level; Working very very hard, involved in some very exciting projects and doing the best work I have ever done - the recognition from both sides of the pond has been nice too; Seeing the beautiful things in life and starting to like myself again, after seeing darkness and half-empty glasses for way way too long; Finding my marbles, sparkle and smile again - they were down the back of the sofa all along! If any of that sounds wank, go read another blog. It means a lot to myself that I can write some of it in the first place, so make no apologies.
Thoughts are with those who have recently had some shocking news and have some tough times to come. Always here for you, as you have been for me.
Until next time...