Tuesday, 22 January 2008

The first trail of many?

So then. Having a day off work with a nasty stomach bug has given me the time (and boot up the backside) to start my own blog. I should have done this years ago, but anyway. I'm not sure how this blog will evolve or if anyone will even read it, but this will be a portal for my musings, mumblings, moans, elations and photos that I choose to share with the world. If it provides entertainment and interaction then so much the better!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Splendid! let me be the first to congratulate you / commiserate for you(delete as applicable) on joining the world of blogging!

It's great - the more you do it, the better it is. Like a lot of things I guess, apart from say doing the washing up or smelling a trump.

I hope to see lots of bloggage from your general direction.

Don't think, just type.