Before I waffle on about anything else I must mention
Wookiepedia. How did I not hear about this amazing site sooner. The name says it all - an
enclyclopedic vault of everything Star Wars and a damn good one too. I can see much net time being spent here in the future - check it out (if you haven't already, and if you have why didn't you tell me eh)?!
This week was one of surprises and contrasts. A year of very hard work, sacrifice and compromise appears to have been disregarded by the powers that be at work when it came to the proverbial crunch. I am not alone in this disappointment (in fact most of my little team are fuming), but it still smarts. The usual excuses were given: impending recession (fair enough but the company still made a colossal profit didn't they?); there wasn't much in the pot this year (oh really, again...that's a coincidence?); we've all got to tighten our belts (I have and I can't breath it's so tight)! What a great way to motivate people who are already disillusioned and feel taken advantage of. I'm not going to dwell on this and don't want to come across as ungrateful as I do count my blessings, but this was a big kick in the knackers for a team who give 110% one hundred percent of the time, deliver on projects way beyond expectations and never grumble when asked to meet ridiculously tight last minute deadlines (which they never miss) because others can't manage their time properly (because they've been drinking all afternoon again). To the powers that be, I have one word for one...Exodus.
Rant over, but feck me I'm pished off. Anyways, this all seemed to make the week go really quickly in a bizarre way - mainly through being so busy, but also because it was broken up by a few cool events. One being the
Captain gig on Wednesday. C and I went along with Chris and Louise who are a top couple and always good value. Chris and I find solace in that being of the same vintage and possession of similar record collections, we can waffle on about certain bands without the worry of getting a blank expression or heckle in response (Gaye Bykers on Acid anyone)? Captain were promoting their new single and impending album and their venue of choise was the
Soho Revue Bar (formerly Raymond Revue bar) - probably the most famous strip club in Soho. A strange venue for a gig, but it worked. More suited to pole dancing and alternative comedy really, but it was a great intimate little gig. Captain were on best behaviour and form as it was a showcase gig, with loads of music industry types flittering around. Good fun, even with Chris heckling 'who are ya' randomly - he was miffed at paying £4:50 for a bottle of Sol, but it's no excuse! Coincidentally and rather sadly Paul Raymond died the day before the gig. Paul was the clubs founder and probably the most famous private club promoter (and soho land owner) in the world. So much more than a pornographer according to his contemporaries and fans - his club is very cool and we had a good night, so thanks Paul.
This weekend has been a relatively quiet one. Caught up with a few friends in East Dulwich, talked babies (one friend is pregnant), cooed over other friends' 3 month old (Ros and James - Josie is gorgeous) and at another's growing art collection (Banksy and Gilbert & George - Sam, you are a lucky man). We went into a baby shop and I was amazed to see CDs of Radiohead's Kid A and Metallica's Black album that have been specially modified by some cash-in merchant to stimulate baby in the early weeks. I was almost tempted to buy one just to see what said modifications were - surely the originals wouldn't do them any harm?! Saturday marked the first 6 months of marriage for C and I so to celebrate we went to try the new Brinkley's Kitchen down by the common. Nice place - overpriced for what it is, but none too shabby. Had a Rosinni Burger - prime angus burger, with foie gras and caramelised onions - yuuuuum! I can't believe it is 6 months since we said 'I do' - it has flown which I am assured is a good thing.
Spent today doing odd jobs, and cooking an uber Sunday Roast. Bought some lovely lemon scented Conifer trees for my window box as well, which look and smell great. I have a herb garden going strong in the other which made the roast all the more tasty! Film of the week was the excellent
Micheal Clayton - a gripping thriller about the dark side of New York's legal world, and how ambition and responsibility can flip even the most grounded professional over the edge into lala land. George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson and Tilda Swinton are all great - well deserved awards there. 8.5/10. Currently curbing my mood for what is sure to be a frosty team meeting tomorrow morning. It only a job, but I spend 8-12 hours of my life there everyday, so I do tend to take it more than a little seriously. Anyway, settling down now to watch the genius that is Crash.
Read of the week: Ska'd for life by Horace Panter - review to come soon.
Tunes of the week: Grace - Jeff Buckley; Fields of the Nephilim - Earth Inferno (reliving my murky goth past); Dubnobasswithmyheadman - Underworld; Nick Drake - Byter Layter; Ministry - Live: In case you didn't feel like showing up. I was quite angry at the time and needed a good dose of this.