In sharp contrast to DragonDrop's weekend, we have had 2 days of relative inertia. Feeling slightly burnt out from some very busy weeks of work (of which there are still more to come), we shelved all plans of running around this weekend and just relaxed. We were, in a word, knackered and needed it.
A perfect start to the weekend was a trip over to East Dulwich to see new parents Sam, Lizzie and the beautiful new edition to their family Elfie. What a little angel she is and they are such proud parents (and understandably tired)! Lizzie's mum made us cheese and cucumber sandwiches - not had that particularly combination since primary school lunches - strange how tastes can trigger long filed away memories. Took a very long route home trying to find a garage that would fix our chipped windscreen to no avail and popped into Modern Metropolis, a great retro emporium not far from our house. It is filled with the most amazing furniture, lighting, fittings and objects d'art - many of which trigger the line 'I remember that chair from when I was little' or 'my mate's cool folks had that sofa'. It's a great place and a little dangerous if you have any money in your pocket. In the name of retail therapy C bought a cool white and green plastic globe desk mirror and pole slide side lamp - both 60s originals...nice (and cheap). Apart from a trip to Wimbledon on Sunday not much got done apart from that. Ploughed through the papers, watched a load of Wimbledon, Glastonbury (Jay-Z was great for the festival - what was all the fuss about) and the Euro 08 final (yay Espana), did the usual chores and necessities.
Extremely sickened that Robert Mugabe has been sworn in for another term - those poor, poor people. How on earth is he allowed to get away with such blatant brutality and steal power like that? I don't know enough about the politics of the region, but can someone enlighten me as to why his neighbours (or the UN) are not intervening on the grounds of human rights, displacement and genocide? He is not alone in the world of being a vicious dictator, but that fact that he's not even trying to hide his actions is just appalling.
My noodle had a bit of wobble this weekend - the catalyst was something really daft. I've soaked it in soy sauce for a bit and it seems better now.
Mind the gap - it's sometimes wider than it looks.
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