It's always a good way to take stock and relax whilst away from home. Last weekend we were invited to stay at A Summer Place in Hunstanton, Norfolk by Bale and James. A perfect spot for a weekend out of the smoke, situated right on the sand dunes. Lots of good food (butterflied lamb shoulder BBQ), great company, daft drunken endurance games and long walks down the beach and through picturesque villages. Very relaxing indeedy do - a beautiful part of the world. Set us both up for the now norm of full throttle work week. Got back in the swing of taking a steady stream of piccies - loving my Pentax W30's amazing Macro capabilities. Such a great little camera for the price and some sweeet, quirky features. Big credits to DragonDrop for endorsing it's predecessor the W20 a year or so ago. Keeping the momentum going on the video stuff too - need to learn not to rush the 'post-production' and to trash ideas that don't work on instinct. I sometimes don't listen to my gut critic when I should. Anyway, took a load of footage that will come to light in some form soon(ish).
Went to see a fantastic film with Mark on Wednesday - Man on Wire. Documentary about Phillipe Petit's build up to and ultimate tightrope walk between the Twin Towers in 1974. An inspiration to any human being, Petit is a rare breed amongst driven human beings, whose passion shone though every part of his life (and still does - he survived...with a big smile on his face too). A huge amount of vintage Super 8 footage charts up his early life as a Parisian street performer, his relationships, challenges, plans and achievements made on a wire between very high buildings (Notre Damn and Sydney Harbour Bridge to name a few). Even the cop that arrested him after his successful 40 walks between the towers (in one sitting), said he would never meet such a person or see such things ever again. The sort of bloke I would love to be sat next to at a wedding breakfast...if I could get a word in H-ways. To be honest, he has led such an amazing life I could quite happily just sit and listen. Aceness. 8.5/10.
Just got back from a great, if wet, long weekend in Moniave, Scotland - home of my lovely in-laws Clare, Alastair and Jenny. The usual lovely weekend of walks, epic paper reading, farm smells, good food and fine wine (Alastair keeps a sensational cellar) ensued. Lovely to see them all again and we were thoroughly spoilt. It all went far too quickly as per usual and now we are back in Londinium fending off Sunday (Monday) blues with a fine fish curry.
A short, but sweet blog this week - not in the mood to post much more, but not for the wrong reasons. :)
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