It was the best of times, it was the worst of times;
It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness;
It was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light;
It was the season of darkness, it was the season of hope;
It was the winter of despair, we had everything before us...
Charles Dickens, A tale of two cities.
The section of the above passage neatly sums up my year. Those who know me will also know the score. Those who don't will be spared the tedium of reading about it.
Onward into 2009 and a Happy New Year to you and yours.
'Harrogate is the queerest place with the strangest people in it, leading the oddest lives'
dickens on harrogate...
clever bloke, quite good at these whole summary things, eh?
'twas lovely to see you, and i hope me and monkey can get down to that there londonium to see you soon. i need to spend my student loan on something... ;)
that's very appropriate, for yourself and for all of us i think.
I will see you soon (as discussed) VT. Keep-on keeping on, you know where i am if you need someone bud...
that's very appropriate, for yourself and for all of us i think.
I will see you soon (as discussed) VT. Keep-on keeping on, you know where i am if you need someone bud...
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