I've been up to oodles aside from the usual work stuff - the later of which just keeps getting busier and a bit nuts sometimes - things to look forward to stuff though and a few looooong projects finally coming to fruition. A few weeks ago Maria, Rus and I returned to Bad Film Club at The Barbican - This month's offering was the utterly gash Leprechaun in the Hood - shocking it was. Everyone had to wear various tacky fancy dress items and loads of people baked (Green) cakes which were shared around. Great night - shite film, but that's the whole point.
A film experience I had from a completely different end of the spectrum was the excellent Anvil. A touching, sometimes depressing, but ultimately inspiring film - It is the story of a very influential and oft referenced Canadian metal band, who set the standard in the genre's infancy of the early 80s...but couldn't make the leap into the big time. They had to watch as their contemporaries sail off onto global success and all the trappings that came with it, whilst they struggled to make a living doing what they loved. A triumph for the human spirit and belief in one's self. Ironically, the film will probably be the making of them. Without giving too much away, the closing concert could warm the coldest of hearts. Mark and I went to Pizza Express to discuss it afterwards - I think it touched a few 'chords' with the lad, bless him.
Gigwise I went to Koko this Saturday and saw the superb Silversun Pickups. I bought their album Carnavas recently, and whilst good it is a tad overproduced and the vocals are too muted and guitars over-layered. Live they are so much better - think Smashing Pumpkins and My Bloody Valentine in a melting pot with a dash of Joy Division stirred in - awesome stuff. Other recommended tunage over the past few weeks: For all I care by The Bad Plus and Living Things by Peter, Bjorn and John.
Had a lovely night with my old muckeress Heather last week, who has some exciting news! Also, trotted down to Brixton to watch Liverpool plough Fulham at the last minute with Chris, Lou and Christine. A spot of branding freelance work on the go for a chum from home; making a weekly din with some lads down in Battersea and loving my new guitar very much! Super excited about my forthcoming Filmmakers Foundation at Raindance in June - can't wait for that one. Also, a long weekend back home in the mother county will be a welcome short break from London life. Could do with a proper holiday, but that will have to wait for a wee while.
Next time I hope to be blogging with a bit of a tan, a Magners in my hand and a spring in my step. Until then...
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