Tuesday, 5 February 2008

It's faster up north

Interesting article from the Beeb. 

Not sure about the 'bloke rock' comment, but anyone who used to frequent The Orbit in Morley will probably agree with the title! 

1 comment:

Matt said...

fascinating article - I'm not sure I agree with some of the elitist Londonist slant on "The breadth and variety in London wins hands down" (I wonder how much time mr uncut has spent out of London - creativity doesn't give up it's gems that easily to tourists in other places)

Bit sceptical about "Music bought and listened to in Scotland has an average speed of 190bpm, but only 80bpm in Cornwall." (visions of Scottish OAP's listening to GABA, to boost the average BPM of the fair country.

And finally, I feel sorry for East Anglia who've been tagged "most average"

fascination tru de nation.