A busy but funny old week - damn cold and windy weather too. Change is in the air at work. Lots of sudden departures, firmly closing of purse strings and an air of uncertainty. A bit weird as I'm still the new boy and finding my feet, and it appears I will suddenly have to take on a lot more responsibility very soon. Change is always good though - there's nothing worse than stagnation. I'm trying to keep an open mind to it all and relish the challenge, but I can't help but feel at little apprehension. Did a photo-shoot of sorts on Monday night, for the graduates on the training scheme - free wine and nibbles so couldn't complain. They were given a rather gloomy lecture by the CEO about budget cuts and to expect no training or perks in the coming year due to exhausted budgets - not the way to motivate your so called 'brightest minds and most promising colleagues'. I have to say that I am sick of repeatedly being told there is no reward for all our hard work, and then see an exiting CEO get a £20m golden goodbye when he didn't do a particularly good job...no wonder there is a 'them and us' culture. Hmm. Anyway, rant over.
Tuesday night was Dinner Club. A small group of friends (Caroline and I included) who are eating our way round the world's cuisine in London. It was the turn of Colombia this week, so we headed down to Amazonica in Brixton. Having travelled through South America I pretty much knew what to expect - Chorizos, Calamares, Empandas, Plantain, Rice, Beans etc. It didn't disappoint. A no frills little place but welcoming, cheap and true to itself. We watched people learning to Salsa whilst we ate too. 7/10. French next, then Brazilian after that. Yum! Went for a few beers after work on Wednesday with my new colleagues and predecessor - good fun. Put the world to rights. Nice drop of Spitfire!
Friday I heaved a sigh of relief at the end of a tough week, then went to meet my old mucker Mark. After a fine nosh-up at Yo Sushi we headed to the flicks to see No Country for Old Men. Plenty of friends have already recommended this film to me. The Coen Bros. have crafted a triumph - a very bleak and desolate tone with an almost slow motion pace compliments brilliant cinematography, characters and dialogue. Javier Bardem plays a cold and seemingly indestructible psychopath - not someone you want as an enemy (or in your life at all for that matter)! Equally excellent supports from Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones. Woody Harrelson and Kelly MacDonald. I wouldn't be suprised if this cleans up at the various award ceremonies judging by the nominations.
Then on to a chilled weekend. Drove to visit some friends in Mickleham, Surrey for an early joint birthday bash. Lots of quality time in a great country pub, a few slices of good old Dominos and some drunken games of Buzz on PS2 (A fine wedding present from DragonDrop). For my birthday I was given a days wine appreciation course at Vinopolis with Matt Skinner (Jamie Oliver's sommelier) - can't wait. Cleared the cobwebs with a walk on the South Downs before driving home to watch Scotland get whipped in the rugby. Now getting my head in gear for what is sure to be a revealing week.
Fav. listens this week: Radiohead - In Rainbows; Kraftwerk - Live at Tribal Gathering; Miles Davis - A kind of blue; The View - Hats off to the buskers; Ricky Gervais - Desert island disks podcast.
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