A great feeling it is indeed to activate an out-of-office and leave a voicemail announcing 10 days off. All loose-ends were tied up, my cover was briefed (cheers Dave) and all systems shut-down - so began the longest period we've had off work since our honeymoon. The first port of call was
Bloomsbury Lanes for Maria's 30
th birthday party. Great night and a wicked place - a sort of American
stylee youth club, but for 20-30 somethings. Bowling lanes, bands, lardy food and cheap beer. Maria had hired a karaoke booth for the occasion which was a right laugh - not least because it had a library of over 10,000 songs...never thought I'd be
dueting Depeche Mode or Stone Roses at a karaoke bar! Did my classic version of Ace of Spades as usual - helps when the 'audience' are as plastered as you are! Missed the last tube, waited ages for a bus, but top night and a very Happy Birthday
da Maria.
Saturday I felt a bit wobbly, but not too bad. We drove to East
Dulwich to see Sam and Lizzie who are very soon to become parents. Had a much needed hangover killing lunch, then headed off to the train station to travel to London Bridge. I was very fortunate to be bought a wine tasting course for my birthday. It was at
Vinopolis which I can only describe as
Disneyland for wine (and gin, whiskey and absinthe) lovers. The first part was a personal tasting course with
Matt Skinner who happens to be Jamie Oliver's
sommelier - fascinating and highly entertaining. Matt is a very laid back Aussie who knows all there is to know about wine, but has a very modern, forward thinking
attitude to it. His 'core message' is that wine should be for everyone - I agree. We tasted 2 whites, 2 reds, a fortified and a champagne - all great and very different. I've long enjoyed wine, but now know what to look for and why I enjoy the different
characteristics. Apparently I learn towards heavy, big finish, new world reds (already knew that) The second part was entry to the
museum and 5 tastings - Great fun and hair of the dog as well.
Malbec from Argentina is still my current favourite grape.
We got up very early the next day for the early train to Gatwick. Our Christmas present to each other this year was a city break somewhere we'd never been before. Rome was top of the list so off we went. We fell in love with this city from the moment we got off the coach from the airport. Such incredible architecture, art, food, wine, people, culture, attitudes to live - loved it. We were in a great spot as well, right near the Spanish Steps. We had a good balanced 3 days of tourist stuff and relaxing. Obvious highlights were The Colosseum and Vatican - the thought of such spectacular ancient structures being built so long ago is quite mind blowing (and I've been to Maccu Pichu so that's saying something), especially the former. The engineering and thought to detail/function reinforces why Rome lead such a powerful empire and advanced culture. Rome is one of those great 'walky' cities like Paris, Prague, London and Amsterdam where it isn't always necessary to take public transport, but much more rewarding to amble around and see what you find. Then there's the food and wine...we were in heaven. I could quite easily live there! The Coffee's not bad either and the Romans are great - very passionate, humorous and colourfully expressive. Loved it, loved it, loved it.
Back at
mothership now, catching up on chores, sweating over a poorly bank account and getting ready for Part 2. It's going to be a very happy and celebratory weekend. Watching Champion's League - don't really care who wins, as I don't like either team. Was meant to be going to see
MGMT in town tonight with C and her
girly mates, but the old noodle isn't feeling very well flavoured today - needed some me time to sort it out. Check back on Monday for more of my self-centred
dribblings if you're interested or check out my
Flickr from Rome pictures...or you could just surrender yet more precious seconds of your life to the latest Web 2.0
social networking phenomenon.
Ciao ciao.