Last weekend was a gem: C and I took the train from Paddington down to Totnes in Devon to meet up with my folks, my second cousin Colin and his missus Di. Colin (Kellam) is a famous potter around those parts and nationally, having been firing an huge variety of crockery and sculptures for over 40 years. We have been visiting him for as long as I can remember, and he and Di are great company. 3 days of getting back to nature and relaxing followed - lots of long walks along the beautiful Devon coastline, visiting Colin's field (better known as Agro Acres by Di - see piccy above - it's the Aston Martin of sheds) which is an Alladin's Cave of reclamation, improvisation and fascination. Made the most of Devon's fine coastal nosh as well (fresh crab - yum)! Totnes is a lovely lovely place - a very creative and relaxed community - could quite easily live there (not in summer though, too many damn tourists). We could have stayed a week to be honest, but work and responsibility called so we headed back to London on Tuesday. I took some pretty good piccies - have a look.
A 3 day week at work went quickly, if a little stressfully. Our new webby chap has started - James - nice bloke, knows his stuff, fellow northerner, glad to have him on the team. We had to pack up our desks and move 10 metres down the corridor, only to move back to our original spot tomorrow - something to do with packing more desks in. I'm sure there's a cost saving in there somewhere. Maybe they should fix the leaking roof whilst they're at it. Speaking of which, the weather has been nuts over the past week - 4 seasons in a day sort of stuff. Crazy British April atmospherics.
Another welcome long weekend has just passed and it's been mostly glorious sunshine down here in London. Saturday we went to Dulwich Village to meet some friends for a pub lunch followed by a walk and ice cream in the beautiful park there. It was C and I's 7th 'meeting each other' anniversary too (it was actually Wednesday, but weekends are better for celebrating), so we had a romantic night in - homemade burgers, wedges and a top bottle or Malbec - purfik. Sent some roses to her at work - they made her smile (even when I told her they were a special offer from Interflora, when she said I should have saved my money - thrifty/tight bloody Yorkshiremen eh)? 7 years have certainly flown, though we have been through so much together and that night we met in the Jolly Swagman in Sydney seems a loooong time ago. We are very happy together and looking forward to the next chapter and adventures that life throws at us. Sunday we drove to Amersham in Buckinghamshire to see C's grandfolks - always a nice day and we are fed like Kings and Queens - Granny Di's Sunday Roast's are legendary.She must think I need to put on some weight as I always getting 3 helpings of everything. Coincidentally I used to live in Amersham from the ages of 4-9 so we drove past my old house and school which brought back lots of memories - everything seemed a lot smaller than I remember - no suprise there. Got home, saw a few friends and rented Brick Lane on DVD (average - dragged a bit).
Today was the hottest day of the year so far - had to be spent outside. Headed down to the South Bank and went to see Banksy's latest outdoor 'happening' The CanFest. Unfortunately the rest of London had the same idea and the queues we stupidly long, plus it appeared so busy in the actual venue that you couldn't see squat, so we sacked it off and went for lunch in the sun. Sorry Banksy. The rest of the day has been spent doing mundane things we've been putting off for ages - procrastination is the thief of time apparently.
So, another short week in upon us. As always a million things to do at work and not enough time to do them. A nice suprise though - the once thought lost My Bloody Valentine tickets have shown up - yay! On a serious note - spare a thought for those poor people in Burma who have suffered a devastating cyclone. I hope the world comes to their aid after such a terrible event.
Signing off - good night and good luck.
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