The weatherman wasn't telling us porkies on Friday morning was he? What a fantastically warm early summer weekend! Ah, I love summer - even the crappiest day at work is great because the sun is out. I am a firm believer in S.A.D (Seasonally Affective Disorder) being a very real syndrome: the short days; getting up and going home in the dark; the wetness and cold of weekday winter is enough to get anyone down. I do love a cold sunny weekend day, preferably trampsing across the Yorkshire Dales well wrapped up (with a pint of bitter and a pub lunch somewhere along the way), but it's the endless weeks of grey, damp overcast weather that I am sure adds to a moaning psyche that spreads through the nation (or maybe it's just me...actually it probably is). An Australian colleague says there is a joke outside of the UK that tourists shouldn't go there during winter as everyone is so rude and miserable. Not totally convinced about that - maybe they were just talking about London!
Anyway - A1, tip-top, first class weekend: After slipping out of work a wee bit early we trained it to Portsmouth, then FastCated it to the Isle of Wight. Darby (Alice) is C's bestest bud from school and general all round lovely person. Her folks are lucky enough to own a house 1min from the seafront in SeaView on the east of the island and she had very kindly invited us to stay. Lovely, lovely place and so peaceful - It is still off-season (just) so there were very few people around. Darby took us on a bit of sightseeing tour - did Cowes, the Downs and a really cool Garlic Farm. Didn't make it to the south unfortunately - the beach was calling! Perfect beach weather it was too - hot, but not too hot and a slight wind. The sea was damn cold, but didn't stop us having a swim or two. We had a really cool 2 days relaxing and recharging, plus got a bit of a tan in the process. As always, searched out the local seafood - crab...hmmm! Did my famous burgers for a BBQ too which also seemed to go down well. We could have easily stayed for a week, but headed back to the metropolis Sunday evening. Seems like it had been a scorcher there as well - more than a few red shoulders a Clapham Junction. Thanks Darbs for an amazing weekend - you spolit us rotten. We will definitely take you up on your offer to make return visit!
Back to the weekday routine now - lots and lots to do, some interesting (been storyboarding and producing a 30 second advert for the KLM Open in Holland) and the not so interesting (template customisations...zzzzz), but just got to get through this week before a decent stretch of time off, some great goings on, imminent happy times and seeing lots of family and friends. It has occured to me that this post is quite a contrast in tone to what I was writing a month or so ago. It all goes in cycles I guess and that's good for perspectives and balance in life. Best not speak too soon, before GloomyTrail pokes his head round the corner again!
Must say a massive congrats to Daren and Jem on their BIG announcement. It appears I was a bit slow on the uptake and thought they were semi-joking, but they weren't so it's all very special and brilliant! Very happy for you guys - see you soon for some proper celebrating.
Bryter later.
I've just digested your recent digests. Seems like ages since I have been to vt world.
you made the most out of the hoy weekend just gone! that sounded like a triumphant tick in the box of making the most out of two days off.
Lets hope it continues mild. Continues mild?
I've just digested your recent digests. Seems like ages since I have been to vt world.
you made the most out of the hoy weekend just gone! that sounded like a triumphant tick in the box of making the most out of two days off.
Lets hope it continues mild. Continues mild?
Yep, we've been busy bees recently. About to have another week off as well - I don't think work are too impressed, but it was all booked before I took the job!
Get your thinking caps on as to when yourself and Felix fancy a weekend in the metropolis.
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